Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Not to Bake...

This has nothing to do with baking but I had to share.

My mom and I attended a baby shower last weekend and our gift was the Nap Nanny.  Have you seen this? My sister has one and loves it. Apparently, so do a lot of other people.  I am very much wanting one for my next baby.

Anyway, it was a large gift to wrap and we weren't sure how to go about it. My mom had the fabulous idea of using a disposable tablecloth! I just think that is genius. She found a blue one (the baby-to-be is a boy) for a buck at The Dollar Tree. Enough regular wrapping paper to cover it would have cost at least 4 times that.

And how cute would this tablecloth be wrapped around a Father's Day gift of grilling paraphernalia?

I just love this idea and will be using myself in the future!

Pin It!

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