Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Homemade Coffee Creamer

Photo Courtesy of Piece of Cake

The first thing I made with my newly purchased vanilla beans was this homemade coffee creamer I came across on Piece of Cake. In her post she discusses her love of "lady coffee", as her husband calls it. It made me laugh! Click either of the links above to check it out her hilarious post as well as the recipe for this oh-so-simple treat!

I love lady coffee and will until I die. It is the highlight of my mornings and sometimes my whole day!

You know the funny thing about store bought flavored coffee creamers? Most don't even have a hint of cream or milk. The great thing about this recipe is it contains only three ingredients! (Four if you count the sugar in the sweetened condensed milk.) The ingredient list on the store bought versions is a paragraph long and contains things I can't even begin to pronounce. Not to mention it costs much more per ounce. 

Give this recipe a try and feel free to play around with flavors. If you love your morning coffee like I do, you will not be disappointed!

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