Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm Still Here!

Well, I am not sure how, but I am back up and running. 

In case you are not aware, I got an email from Google to renew my domain registration a few weeks ago. I attempted to do so, but the directions they sent were bogus to say the least and I could not for the life of me figure out how to enter my credit card, even though I had one of on file with them already. Apparently, I was not the only one having issues. There are message boards all over the internet dedicated to the topic. Anyway, I did not get my card entered by the deadline. The next day I checked to see if the blog was still active and alas, it was not. When I typed in the domain name a message came up saying it had expired and the blog no longer existed. A few days ago I emailed Google and have not heard back. However, I visited the blog today and it is still here! 

I can't say I will be back to post anytime soon, but it is nice to know that all my hard work is not lost and that I have the option to post when I have time. Hopefully this is not a fluke and my domain will remain active. I have pictures of lots of treats I have made in the last year, mainly in the birthday realm. I hope to have a few posts at some point to showcase those creations. Thanks for hanging in there with me!
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