Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ruffled Lemon Cake

Some of my best writing comes to me at night while I am in bed. This is not a good thing because it usually occurs when I am in the comfort zone. 

Baby Mac is finally asleep.

I have my pillow fluffed just right.

The proper number of blanket layers has been determined and the extras have been removed or added.

I have established the optimum positioning for nice, cozy sleeping throughout the night.

I start thinking about the day. If I baked and took photographs of the goods, the pictures are floating through my head. Soon the wheels start turning and I have written the first paragraph of a post. I had no intentions of doing so, the words just come to me. And I am very happy with it.

Now, the responsible writer would grab her notebook and pen (that are literally 12 inches away from my head on the bed table) and jot down the words before they are lost. But not this gal. I am sealed into a relaxed, snug and contented wrap that took a while to get right and I simply cannot will myself to undo it all. So, I just keep repeating the paragraph over and over in my head thinking, "Oh, this is just too good. There is no way I will forget this by morning!"

And yet, here we are.

No funny, clever introduction about a ruffle-decorated cake. Just, well, a ruffle-decorated cake. But trust me on this one. Whatever that paragraph was, it was brilliant, entertaining, hilarious and free of spelling errors.

My dear co-worker Tracy is leaving us for her man and Florida. She and her fiance will marry this week and move to Florida the next. AND she just finished up her MBA! She has lots to be thrilled about and everyone in the office is extremely happy for her!

But we will miss her greatly! She always has a smile on her face and never a negative word to say. She is the type of person anyone would adore having around.

Tuesday we had a going away lunch for her and I made a lemon cake for the occasion, decorated in a ruffled effect. I have always wanted to try this style and, thanks to You Tube, I made it happen.

Rather than give you my own tutorial, I am going to stick with my usual "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality and direct you here. The video is short and simple. All you need is a Wilton 104 petal tip, a pastry bag, a cake and some icing and you're good to go.

It really is such an easy technique. It does take some time and a bit of patience, but the process is not difficult. And the results are are fantastic.

Congratulations, Tracy! I am incredibly happy for you and know that lots of good things will come your way!

Pin It!


Anonymous said...

Makes my mouth water

Mrs. Mac said...
