Sunday, June 10, 2012

Marshmallow Fondant

For the first time ever, I made marshmallow fondant this morning! It was a bit messy but hardly difficult. Regular fondant is just a bit more technical since it calls for gelatin. From what I have read, marshmallow fondant is easier to make and tastes much better.

Because I need black fondant, I followed this recipe but incorporated some of the tips for kneading and mixing from this recipe that I have had on my to do list for a while. I highly recommend them both. I didn't have an ounce of trouble through the whole process!

I can't wait to roll it out and start making the shapes I need! For now, it's covered in plastic wrap so the color can develop to it's full potential. Later today I plan on making some white, as well, since the upcoming project requires some pink accents in addition to the black.

One tip: try and wear food safe gloves unless you don't mind walking around like this for a couple of days. 

Have a great Sunday!

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