Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Under Construction

I apologize for the time away. I sort of lost interest in my blog and just didn't enjoy posting. I thought I would abandon it altogether until just last night, I got an idea...

I have had a love of baking since I was young and my interest in learning to decorate cakes has really blown up over the last year. I made lots of fun and tasty treats over the holidays and the whole process truly gave me peace. I am an artist at heart and I realize baking is my ideal outlet. Just last night I spent three hours making S'mores Pops for a bake sale this weekend. (Yes, I said "S'mores Pops." They're pretty stinking cool. Don't worry, I will fill you in and you will be glad I did!) It's hard to put into words how much I enjoyed every minute of those three hours.

I got my first cake decorating kit yesterday and I cannot wait to try it out. Over the last few months I have bought books, watched demonstrations online, made lots of sheets cakes and other desserts. Soon I hope to get a new lens for my camera that will help me to take better indoor pictures. I have decided to put my love of baking and photography to good use and begin documenting my journey into cake decorating and a bit of candy making as well. It will be somewhat arduous, so please bear with me. I will be posting some pretty elementary creations for sure, but this is all about the learning process.

So be patient as I get the new blog set up and looking pretty. And thanks for hanging in there during my absence.

P.S. In a few days you will be directed to my new domain. It's www.tobakeornottobake.com. Be sure to save it in your favorites!
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